Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Why is Greenland so white?

As many people know, Greenland is hardly green. It is huge hunk of ice, but why is it that way? Greenland is relatively knew when to compared to the geological time scale. There are three reasons that Greenland has ended up the way that it is. The first is Greenland's mountains reach up into the much cooler altitudes. The second, Greenland moved further from the equator into an area where there is not as much solar disturbance. The third reason is that a slight change occurred in the earth rotation which forced Greenland even further from the sun. Greenland is currently losing alot of its ice due to the effect of global warming and has been decreasing much faster over the last twenty years than ever before. At our current rate, it is only a matter of time until it totally melts into the ocean. The details of the article can be accessed here.

Credit: Peter Japsen, GEUS

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