Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Paris climate talks coming this December

This coming December, important climate talks will be held among international leaders in Paris. These talks are significant because if the global community doesn’t act very soon, serious effects of global warming will be irreversible. The failure of the 2009 Copenhagen climate talks make people very wary about the success for this year’s climate talks in Paris. However, as this is the last real chance we have to combat climate change, hopefully this year’s climate talks will be taken more seriously.

This year, due to the low price of oil per barrel, there is an opportunity for policy-makers to implement a carbon floor price in order to increase the cost of pollution and make clean investment a more viable option.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (left) & IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachuari
 Photo credit: Niels Ahlmann Olesen

In addition, a recent study from the University of California Berkeley concluded that activities that make people happy are unrelated to energy consumption. Activities such as volunteering, spending time with friends and sleeping more are unrelated to consumption but increase our overall levels of happiness. Therefore, perhaps it’s time for society to rethink our relationship to consumption. If we stop thinking of consumption of energy and goods as what will make us happy and instead only consume the energy and goods to meet our basic needs, we may end up being happier and reduce our climate impact. If we could bring this mindset into the Paris climate talks, perhaps we can rethink our relationship to the economy, society, and the environment.

Source: The Guardian

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